First of all, I've been tagged by Emily (this happened a wee while ago, so I'm going to go ahead and do this before I forget, then move on to other things in the same post - is that ok?!) which means that I get to tell you 7 random things about me.
1. Since moving away from home 5 years ago, I have had 13 official flatmates and 6 homes.
2. One of my favorite things to do is walk. Besides the exercise, I find it to be relaxing and a great time to think things through and process recent information, pray through things and just have "alone time".
3. My memory is pretty terrible.
4. I love lists. I could make lists of things to do and things I like and things I want to do before I die and things I remember about being five (due to number 4, this list is not usually very long), and lists of places I have been and lists of countries I want to visit... all day long!
5. I enjoy brushing my teeth and clipping my nails. These things feel fantastic.
6. As much as I love Christmas and like to have all things Christmas set apart for that season, I adore Christmas lights all year round.
7. When it comes to the thought of growing up, I am scared, impatient and excited at the same time. All of these I feel equally and it makes for a strange balance.
OK. Onto the next thing!
The past couple of weeks have been a bit of an emotional roller coaster. Two weeks ago, I was offered a job in a special needs school as a learning assistant, which I will start once all police/reference/health checks are carried out. What an answer to prayer - this is the exact job I have been hoping and praying for. As much as I have enjoyed the time and freedom being unemployed has given me, it is a relief to see some form of stable income in the near future. This happened the day after Derek graduated from his masters. Aren't we a clever pair? Yeah, I know, thanks! So that was a very up week. All this happened while Derek's parents and sister were visiting too, which was a lot of fun.
This past week, Derek found out that his post study work visa has been denied. There are options. Two of them really that he is considering, but both of those will affect a lot of people - some very directly and concretely, like his flatmate, the cafe (where he works), his family, and myself. Others not quite so noticeably but still will affect them to a degree, like the other ministries he's involved in, his home group, the young writers group he writes with and all the people who know him in Edinburgh. It's been a very emotional week for me, in large part because of this.
A trip home for the holidays has come at a fantastic time. It's given me the chance to rest (I've caught up on a lot of sleep), think things through and have lots of non-rushed time reading the Bible and other books I've been meaning to read for ages - better get them finished before Christmas when I'll more than likely get given new ones!