Well things change. For starters, I have a new sister.
Isn't she beautiful? Her name's Beki. But you probably already knew that.
I also have a new fringe. Aka bangs. Why bangs? I have no idea. At least fringe is kind of "on the edge"... "edgy"... whatever. But bangs? Nevermind.
And a new phone with a new number. I was about to say "Text me if you want it" but that would be pointless. So email me if you want it!
And then everything else has changed very little actually. I'mdone reading Numbers, and I'm not gonna lie, it's somewhat of a relief. That said, it's more interesting than Leviticus, and I learned about Aaron and Joshua which was cool. So Deuteronomy, here goes!
Onto things of more consequence I guess. It's been a tough time the past week or two. Though I am content in Christ, I am at times not content with the situations He puts me in. This would be one of those times. It's a time of battling through and taking thoughts captive. But one thing brought me great comfort and a renewed hope last week. The chapter the core teams girls read last week is called Pruned to Bloom. It made the point (among many others) that Satan can ask God's permission to prune us in some way, but he only has the power and authority to do anything if God allows it. Satan cannot do just anything he desires to us. Get that!! And it's in these pruning seasons that God does most of His work in us. God's will for our life is that we become more Holy. So. I'm in. Though I may feel down and confused and so frustrated, impatient also, God will use it all for His glory, making me more like Him each moment I get through by His strength alone.
Of course even in tough times there have been may enjoyable moments. Raclette with Leanne, walking round an illustration/writing exhibition, breakfast with Cecily, Sardines in Carubbers with 14 students, Mafia with those same students, good conversations with a whole array of people, lunch with students and families, an awesome Praise Night, walking through the sunny meadows, ...
Deuteronomy is a barrel of laughs after Numbers, just you wait and see. Love the fringe and those winters of spiritual frustration are what make the springtimes of spiritual fruitfulness so sweet.
I'm reading a Piper book at the moment called Battling Unbelief. I wish I had discovered it when I was a younger Christian, it's really helpful.
Love, dad x
so you played sardines, did you?!?
glad to hear the Lord's helping you with perspective as week goes on!
I love you Anna and I am glad I'm reading Luke and not Numbers at the moment. Very uplifting.
I miss you not being on Facebook during Lent, but I think you're a brave girl with a sacrificial heart. I'm so sorry we won't get to see you next week in Eaglescliffe. Upset am I.
Mum X
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