Saturday 24 May 2008

Why worry?

I fall into the trap a lot. Especially recently and I don't know if others fall into it as well or if I've helped drag them into it. Possibly a mix. As the day of my departure for camp comes closer the uncertainty of my future feels bigger and bigger. I have to constantly remind myself that God knows my future and He has nothing but good planned for me, because I don't like the uncertainty. And I don't like the thought of some of the possible outcomes. So I also need to keep remembering that what God gives He also has a right to take away. As painful as that will be if He does. So I am in a limbo of enjoying and making the most of the time I have left here and not wanting to enjoy it too much so as not to miss it too much. And then this portion of verse comes to mind. "Make the BEST use of the time because the days are evil." So not doing things because I'll wish to be back here when I think back is not a good enough reason. I do need to think carefully about how I use my time - which right now is the three weeks I have left in Edinburgh before the summer. And I need to be ok with the fact that everything could change when I get back. Sigh.


Anonymous said...

Darling Anna, I feel for you in this limbo situation. You're further on in God than I am in the realising you shouldn't be worrying. Before we knew we are going to Preston I was a complete shambles, but God had it and I should have trusted him more.
Love you dear girl. We prayed for you this morning.
Mum X

Anna said...

Just because I know I shouldn't worry doesn't mean I don't...


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