Saturday 17 October 2009

Half Term!

Half term started this morning, and for the first time in months (literally), I got to wake up past 8am. And so I did. I woke up at 8:49 and felt like I should open an advent calendar. I guess that means it was cold. But a nice cold. A cold that only touched my face since the rest of me was snuggled and curled up in lovely soft warm bed covers. I love that feeling. And the sun was streaming through my window. A beautiful day to begin half term. Sounds lovely. By 9am I was diving right in to my first half-term activity, a cake. Well I say that. I wasn't IN the cake, but I did have a few ingredients on me. Oh and things have disappeared from the kitchen too (I'm hoping one of my flatmates, who are both away for the weekend, will know where these things have got to), so this cake I made, I made without scales or whisk. So we'll try it out on a bunch of unsuspecting students tonight, and see whether 'old school baking' is something I am skilled in. :)

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