Tuesday 16 November 2010

10 Things I like

1. Candles. Nice smelling ones.
2. Photos. Both looking through people's photos and taking my own. I would love to make something similar to this. But with my own photos. Obviously.
3. Baking. And I would love to make these and this.
4. Reading. I'm currently reading Trusting God with the girls core team and Charismatic Chaos by myself. I'm honestly struggling through that one. I need to find something that takes less thinking so that I don't have to stop every few pages and try to decipher if I agree or not and what I actually believe.
5. Travelling. And I love receiving the Lonely Planet magazine every month.
6. My friends. I love spending time with them and chatting for hours, laughing at all the silly things that happen to us in life and discussing profound truths and the lies we believe.
7. Iain. He counts in friends, but he's my best friend so he gets a special mention. God has blessed me with thrill and adventure.
8. Music. Just now, Allie Moss and Downhere particularly. When I say just now, I mean tonight.
9. Tea. A regular Tetley teabag kind of cup, Chai Lattes especially around Christmas, and London Fogs. YUM!!!
10. Seasons. I love each of them, all for different reasons.

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