Wednesday 15 December 2010

A wee catch up.

Look at this!! What a great idea and a cool gift to receive. I might take this up.

A wee update on the facebook fast, it's going well. In fact, I've not missed it one bit. I have the sneaky suspicion I will miss it when the Index Weekend Away has come and gone and everyone's pictures are up. So I've been concocting a longer term plan for after my 2 week trial is up.

I found a good quote. One to write down. Iain and I are going through a study of Romans (it's taking us ages) but we got a question on the More than conquerors verse. It was getting late and we'd been answering tough questions and discussing intense issues for about an hour and a half, which was probably part of the issue, but I just couldn't understand what the difference between more than conquerors and just conquerors was. So Iain sent me this sermon by Charles Spurgeon to help explain. Now, in the light of day, I think I've grasped the concept, though I suspect not to its full extent since it doesn't feel that amazing to me. Anyway, about that quote. It's this:
"Persecution in all its forms has fallen upon the Christian Church and up to this moment it has never achieved a triumph, but rather it has been an essential benefit to the church for it cleared her of hypocrisy."
I like it.

I've finally been getting some of my IBS work done tonight. I'll finish the course one day. My plan is still to graduate on time in September... Better get to work, since I'm still only on May's homework! It was encouraging and refreshing to be going over the Doctrine of Christ tonight though! :)

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