Boots are being very generous this year. They have this "Christmas collection" of sandwiches. They're really good. Today for my lunch I got a Brie and Cranberry one which was so nice, but even better, check it out. On the packet, it says "I have a festive hat and joke inside!". That, is quality. And not any old joke did I get, either. It was a penguin biscuit, Christmas cracker, carambar type of joke. I think I should share it with you. Be prepared.
"Why was Santa's little helper depressed?
He had a low elf esteem!"
Ahahahahaha haha ha.
And I considered wearing the festive hat around all day, but I have this advent rule that nothing christmassy will be done or watched or listened to until the first of December. Except I've got a couple of presents for Joe and Nathan already. But that doesn't count.
We did the coolest thing at Index on Sunday night. Naomi and Barnes got us to pray for the person to our left. So we spent a few minutes sharing our prayer needs with the person to our lefts. How did that work? As we were all wondering this, Jonah stood up and commented on the impossibility or asking people's backs for their prayer needs. That was funny. It worked in the end though... I shared my prayer needs with Jonah first then got Leanne's prayer needs from her, and then we spent 5 minutes in prayer for each other. I think our table got prayed for the most, because we all silently prayed for each other whereas other tables took it in turns to pray for the people to their lefts. So each person only got a few seconds, whereas we all got a full 5 minutes of praying. That's called efficiency. It was really good to spend a little time in prayer, with Sundays being such busy days I rarely actually spend time alone praying to God. Sure we pray in church and stuff, but it's not quite the same. Best day of the week? Sunday. No sweat.
Classes are now finished for the term, roll on revision and revision and revision. But check me out, I actually sat down last night and made a plan of all the things I need to do, booked days in the library in my diary so nothing can come between me and my books.
I'm over half way with my SVQ3 coursework. I'm just under 9 months in, and aim to finish it by June so I'm almost on course. I just have this huge project that's finally been given to me so I can get on with that also, so it should all work out. Nice one.
Oh yeah and God totally answers prayer! Especially when it's according to His will and in His time. I've just seen so many answers in the past 3 weeks or so. It's been mind blowing.
A reminder of God's promise...

That's Calton Hill by the way. I think I've mentioned it before.
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