Thursday 16 November 2006

Proverbs 16:9

Well, I am glad to say I have calmed down a little! I'd been hyper for about 10 days, but finally calmed down on Tuesday evening." This Sunday night I got about 4 hours sleep and ate very little on Monday and again on Tuesday, though Tuesday was better! On Tuesday night I went to the Carrubbers prayer meeting which was really good. I love this church. Suddenly I've felt myself propelled forwards and so hungry to get to know God better. I've loved Him all my life, no doubt about that, but now all I want is Him. Nothing else matters. Sure, there are other things in my life still, but I'm finding myself wanting to talk about Him and with Him and finding out more about Him all the time. I have made some good friends at my church now. But the coolest thing is that our friendships are all based on God. We've shared more thoughts about God together than details of each others lives. Only on Sunday did one find out I lived in France most of my life, when I've known her for about a month! Alarge part of this I think has been the series of studies/talks we've been doing at Index. "Who is God and what is He like?" Such challenging stuff and the conversations and personal study that has resulted from them has been fantastic! I find myself being unable to not speak about God with my flatmates who are not christians. Suddenly I have this boldness and carefree attitude to what they will think of me. And they've been asking me more questions than they had before, even though from day one we've been talking about God together. Before coming to uni I was pretty self-concious and this has dissapeared some over the past 3 1/2 years, I've found it easier to talk about God, but recently it comes so naturally. I guess when you really love somebody you can't help but speak about them all the time and to everyone! Yesterday at work, one of the little boys asked me to remind him of the differences between christian and catholic. By this I took it to mean what are the differences between protestant faith and catholic faith. So I told him again (we'd talked about this before) and he said he believed what I said christians believe. He goes to a catholic school, but is a really intelligent 8 year old, always questioning everything. I feel so priviledged that he would come to ask me about this and want to know what I believe. Then we went on to talk about the muslim faith and the jewish faith. I was amazed that I was having such a conversation with an 8-year-old. This is what God thinks of you: "You're a person of great worth and potential. And You're a work in progress, I won't stop what I've started until I've finished." "In your heart you plan your course, but the Lord determines your steps"

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