This is Saint Andrews' Castle ruins. I went to Saint Andrews with Leanne a couple of weeks back, when the weather was still good. Now, the weather is a bit ucky. At least it was today.

This is the view you get of Princes Street from one of my favorite places, Calton Hill. Leanne and I missed the train to Saint Andrews by about 15 seconds so whilst waiting the hour that separates trains, we climbed Calton Hill. Loveliness!

This is Leanne and I leaning over the edge to watch the waves crash into the wall we were lying on. It was quite breath taking actually!

This is Shanaz and my flatmate Arpita dressed up as a shower (yes) and a mouse for Halloween. Shanaz is Arpita's best friend, she comes round a lot so I've got to know her quite well.

This is my flatmate Steve who is often called Stevo. He was dressed up as Borat for Halloween but actually doesn't look too different to this normally. He just has a little more facial hair which is currently growing back. Excellent. I never thought I'd say this about anyone, but he looks better with facial hair.

This is Katy, Steve's girlfriend and my third flatmate. She was dressed up as Jack Sparrow for Halloween. She also doesn't look very different to this usually, but has less facial hair (again, thankfully). I think her and Jack look strikingly and perhaps worryingly alike.

No post would be complete without the fantastic four... Ben, left, was 9 yesterday. Happy Birthday. I love him to bits, he's my little Mouche. Then there's me. Then there's Joe, a rockstar to be. His band is called the Disasterz, he writes the songs, plays lead guitar, sings and lets his hair grow the longest. He's 14. And finally, Nathan, 19. When we were kids we would not cease to argue. We spoke French together, because it's easier to argue in French. Once the arguing calmed down, when I was about 15 I think, we started speaking English to each other and now it's the language we use most of the time because we talk about God most of the time. It's easier (for me at least) to speak about God in English, I read my Bible in English etc. It feels less religious or something. So anyway, that's us, the fantastic four.

And those (in big part) responsible for making us the fantastic four that we are! My mum and dad. I miss them so much when I am not with them, yet thanks to them am happily independent. I am where I am with God because of their example and their faith and their prayers. I love them!
That's so sweet it made me cry!
Love you.
From Mum X
Hey Anna... i only just put updates for your blog on my browser.. .it is gonna take me such a long time to read through all these blogs... I have not read any of your stuff in so long... like reading a new novel.
Better be good reading!
Ebe out.
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