Last night I spoke to mum, Nathan, Joe and Ben on the phone. It made me that much more excited to go home for Christmas. In spite of being on the phone for about an hour and a half (oops!!) I still had so much to discuss, with Nathan in particular, and I'm sure mum and I could go on chatting for a while, and Joe and Ben aren't so great to talk to on the phone. Plus I don't think I've spoken to dad since I went home in October, which is pants. But, I did get a comment from him :o) !!
Before I go home, there are exams. Principles of Ecology and Global Environmental Processes. Sounds fun, no? Yes. Revision's not going so well - I keep getting distracted. There are so many fun things to do around Christmas time. And I've found that the best distraction of all is reading my Bible - it's a lot more interesting than the nitrogen cycle. But the nitrogen cycle isn't hard to beat on interestingness. The Bible is even more interesting than Dinosaurs. There we go. Dinosaurs is hard to beat. So on Wednesday morning I was determined to do some revision, but then wanted to do a Bible study to start off the day. And an hour later, I only had 1 hour left to do revision before getting lunch and going to work. So how do I say this to God - I love you and I want to learn more about you, but if you keep this desire in my heart, I'm going to fail my exams, and leave uni without a degree. Or maybe it's just another excuse I've found - a pretty good one, you have to admit!!
So tomorrow is a good day. It's Saturday. Not any old Saturday. A Saturday with Foundations, this course I do at Carrubbers about the foundations of discipleship. I love it. So that's in the morning. Then, Homegroup people are coming round for mince pies and the like, and in the evening it's my work Christmas party, with the secret Santa exchange of the presents and other such fun things. It'll be good!
And then, Sunday. I love Sundays. Nothing unusual this Sunday, no student lunch, no baptisms, no going to Wallyford (although you never know, I'll probably end up getting roped into doing something!!)... Sunday morning service with Wayne talking on, guess what, Acts (this sermon series of going through Acts has been going on for about 3 years - seriously - this will be Acts, part 105!!!) Then an afternoon still to be determined, Sunday evening service and then Index. I love Sundays.
And then, it's Monday. Revision. Speaking of which, I'd better grab lunch at the cafe and go back to my notes on the phosphorus cycle, the origin of skeletons and find some past papers - that's what I was no the computer to do in the first place... procrastination!!

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