Let's focus on the good things going on. I'm tired of the things that take my focus away from the only One who should matter at all to me. I wish I could just focus on Him the whole time without any problem. But my impatience and my own selfish desires come in and mess up any of my best intentions. And then I just get frustrated at myself. I spoke of this to my boss some yesterday but He didn't really know what I was talking about. He tried to understand, but his vision of the world is a lot smaller than mine simply because he doesn't know of the things of God.
I made an advent callendar for the after school club, it took me 2 whole afternoons to make, with some of the children's help. So a long process, but so much fun and it looks amazing now, all hung up on the wall. I took pictures, but they don't really do it justice. It's giant, and child friendly and with stars and snowflakes, it looks magical. I'll put the pictures up sometime. I was quite proud of the result, it was beyond what I'd imagined, which is very rare with me and arts. Very rare with me and anything actually. I usually have pretty high expectations.
Saturday I went to Foudations and talked about our position in Christ, which was really good. Then people from homegroup came over which was really good fun - was great having kids in the flat!! Some good fellowship. Then in the evening we had our staff christmas party which was ok.
On Sunday, the morning service was good, then there was nothnig to do between the services so I went home and studied with Arpita and snuggled in the duvet on the sofa because the boiler broke again - it's been repaired now :o) - and then faced rain, wind and generally gross weather to go back to church. Good service, it was communion and we sang Shine Jesus Shine (not that that's a good thing, but it hasn't been sung in a while so it was ok!!)
And then Index, we talked about God as judge which was pretty challenging - this subject always is for me, but I think it's because we look at things from the wrong perspective. People say "If God is loving, why does He send people to hell?" The thing is, we all deserve to go to hell. Not one of us is worthy of heaven, because each one of us has sinned. But because God is loving, he sacrificed his only son who was perfect so that we could go to heaven, and so that we could know God.
So yeah... just a few thoughts there...

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