"By the word of the Lord were the heavens made, their starry host by the breath of His mouth." Psalm 33:6
Imagine this: it was no harder for God to create the world than it is for a child to blow bubbles. Amazing! And what's just as amazing is that He is active even still now. If He were to remove Himself from just one of us rebelious people, that person would cease to exist. If He removed Himself from His creation, it would cease to exist. I love it. "He is upholding all things by the word of His power." Hebrews 1:3
He's so awesome!
Today I met up with Leanne which was great - hadn't seen her in over a month so we had a lot to catch up on. Then I went to an Ecosoc Committee meeting which was ok, but it meant I couldn't go to the mission prayer meeting, bou. I thought it would be my last committee meeting, but it turns out that no, because we're the first committee, we're going on til the end of term (which kind of makes sense since we have trips and events organised til March) which I have to say was somewhat dissapointing. I study Ecology, but am not the most ecologically minded person and I would rather be doing something else.
Laura and Miriam
Mark and me
Yesterday evening a large group of us went to a restaurant to celebrate Heather's 22d birthday which was lots of fun - good food, good company, interesting conversations about mice, parabolas and the like... so the photos above are of that meal (because there were so many of us, we ended up only chatting to a few folk, so I don't have any photos of anyone else really, bou)
Recently we've had some fair weather which has meant cloudless skies, and at night (well, from 4pm to 8am) you can see the stars. Looking up at the stars is one of my favorite things to do. On my way home last night I stopped and looked up. It was amazing. Just beautiful! The people I was with didn't seem to share my awe, so we walked on. I hope we get some clear skies at the Index weekend away (not this weekend, but the next) cause we'll be (I think) fairly in the middle of nowhere which is the best place to be to look at the stars. When I was home this Christmas, there was one night I stood outside my house for about 10 minutes just looking at the stars.
This weekend is looking almost as busy as this week is, Sunday particularly, since Nadia (and Laura) is getting baptised! Yay! Having forgotten it was this weekend, I went on and said I'd cook for Index with Bethany, Joel and Odd Harold (real name, Norwegen) so I'll be going to church, cooking, going to a baptism, cooking, indexing. But I can't wait! I think Nadia's bapism will be amazing. I've seen God work in her SO much even just these past few months, and it definitely time!
Imagine this: it was no harder for God to create the world than it is for a child to blow bubbles. Amazing! And what's just as amazing is that He is active even still now. If He were to remove Himself from just one of us rebelious people, that person would cease to exist. If He removed Himself from His creation, it would cease to exist. I love it. "He is upholding all things by the word of His power." Hebrews 1:3
He's so awesome!
Today I met up with Leanne which was great - hadn't seen her in over a month so we had a lot to catch up on. Then I went to an Ecosoc Committee meeting which was ok, but it meant I couldn't go to the mission prayer meeting, bou. I thought it would be my last committee meeting, but it turns out that no, because we're the first committee, we're going on til the end of term (which kind of makes sense since we have trips and events organised til March) which I have to say was somewhat dissapointing. I study Ecology, but am not the most ecologically minded person and I would rather be doing something else.
Yesterday evening a large group of us went to a restaurant to celebrate Heather's 22d birthday which was lots of fun - good food, good company, interesting conversations about mice, parabolas and the like... so the photos above are of that meal (because there were so many of us, we ended up only chatting to a few folk, so I don't have any photos of anyone else really, bou)
Recently we've had some fair weather which has meant cloudless skies, and at night (well, from 4pm to 8am) you can see the stars. Looking up at the stars is one of my favorite things to do. On my way home last night I stopped and looked up. It was amazing. Just beautiful! The people I was with didn't seem to share my awe, so we walked on. I hope we get some clear skies at the Index weekend away (not this weekend, but the next) cause we'll be (I think) fairly in the middle of nowhere which is the best place to be to look at the stars. When I was home this Christmas, there was one night I stood outside my house for about 10 minutes just looking at the stars.
This weekend is looking almost as busy as this week is, Sunday particularly, since Nadia (and Laura) is getting baptised! Yay! Having forgotten it was this weekend, I went on and said I'd cook for Index with Bethany, Joel and Odd Harold (real name, Norwegen) so I'll be going to church, cooking, going to a baptism, cooking, indexing. But I can't wait! I think Nadia's bapism will be amazing. I've seen God work in her SO much even just these past few months, and it definitely time!
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