To commemorate, here is a cool picture of your band, for everyone to see. Now the whole world knows about The Desasterz. Happy Birthday Leudjeuf!
This past week has not been of much particular interest. I've been working at the club lots, since I've been given an extra shift each week (helps with going to the USA in June, and down to London and Paris in April) and covered for quite a few people off sick during the February Holiday Camp. I've also filled in a large amount of forms for Summer Camp and written an essay for class. It's funny. The last class I'm ever taking at uni is the one that has had the biggest impact on me. I'm actually starting to think I could get a job working on sustainability, which is part of ecology. I could do this with lots of large companies as well, which opens quite a few new job prospects. Part of my role at camp this summer will be teaching the kids about sustainable living (ride your bike to school instead of taking your car, etc). Do you know that road traffic accounts for about 27% of carbon emissions and air travel only accounts for about 6%? Also, if you are travelling locally, don't fly, cause it's the taking off and landing that pollute the most, and it's not efficient to do so, however flying long distances is ok. The things you learn.
My flatmate Arpita got back from 2 months in India on Wednesday. It now feels like she was never gone. :o)
There's really not much to say, I've been keeping myself busy, but not overly, with interesting stuff, but not overly and nothing out of the ordinary has happened really... I think I need some excitement!
Merry birthday Leudjeuf! That is a very interesting name u have there!
Hope it was a good one Leudjeuf!.
Ebe out.
that girl... she was just a friend of mine... it was not romantic at all... we went to go and see a movie about people who climbed a mountain and then got mad because they thought they were gonna die. Who told them to go up there in the first place.
I have never really been on anything romantic on valentine's day... sadly enough. Even when I had dated a girl twice within a week of V day. I was too shy to ask her to a proper date!
Shyness is bad. What did u do on that day Anna?
Ebe out.
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