Let's start off with a couple of pictures to show how well I faired when a group of us went bowling last week...

So yeah... I did good! But it was so much fun, in spite of my arriving last out of 8 people. That's about the bowling.
When it comes to travelling, I have booked a lot of trains. On the 9th April, I'm going to Birmingham for a couple of days to stay with Gillian, my godmother and her family, seeing them probably for the last time before they head off to New Zealand for an unannounced period of time. Then I'm going just down the road, to Coventry, to see my friend Ruthie who I haven't seen since she got married, at least 4 years ago, who already has one 21 month old wee boy and is expecting her second. So that should be interesting, seeing as I get to meet her husband and son and see her again after such a long time. And then I'm going to London with the primary purpose of saying goodbye to my godfather and his wife who are now retired and are going to live on a barge. Wow. But I'm also going to see my friend Cecily who now lives in Wimbledon, and possibly some other friends from Edinburgh who now live further south. And then I'm going to Paris for 5 days while my friend Janelle from the USA and my friend Colin from Australia will be there. How exciting!!
Learning has been a rather huge thing the past couple of weeks, with uni, my SVQ in Childcare, and various things going on at church, both sermons during the services, books that have been recommended to me, Foundations, a discipleship course I do and today a little "index extra" on a variety of topics mainly touching on the source of our faith and the condition of our will, so basically God's sovereignty in relation to our salvation. It was very interesting but has messed with my head quite alot. I guess the key is that no one deserves to be saved, and God has chosen to give some us (chosen not because of anything we have done or not done compared to others - so He has not shown favoritism) salvation. In a sense it doesn't matter who He chose, because His purpose was to glorify Himself. It occurred to me that we as human beings are all the same, because when Adam and Eve sinned, we were all them sinners. And it is nothing to do with us that we have been saved. God chose us. It's such a difficult thing to understand or even accept. *sigh*. Grace.
I was thinking today as I looked at jobs offered by Edinburgh City Council that being a Parks and Greenspaces Manager could be quite cool. Unfortunately the job is going now. Maybe next time.
Hello. Dad preached on free will etc on Sunday at the three English services. You can find it on the Lambertplanet website. He also preached at the French service too. That's 4 sermons on one day! He's a chef!
Hey Anna, I definitely know how you feel with the concept of God's choosing...very confusing and difficult for me to grasp, but I've been trying to trust that God's ways are much higher than my own. Your upcoming trips sound fabulous :) I'm a little jealous.. ok alot.
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