Tuesday 24 April 2007

Oceanography ruins a beautiful day... or 6

I'm revising for my oceanography exam which is on Friday. Arg, not looking forward to it. I am very easily distracted from my revision and have no motivation because it is so boring and the past papers are so difficult. Doesn't bode well. But I'm trying my best. Bunac orientation (an afternoon of explaining things to do with camp this summer) was super interesting and fun and it made me excited about going to camp again. I've not been very excited up to now because of all the paper work and expensive phone calls and so much other stuff to do I don't have time to think about camp. But the stories and videos and everything just looks so good. I also got my orientation pack which had the staff handbook in it, with a sort of schedule. So exciting! Back at work yesterday. Turns out they missed me alot because it's been a tough week. Again, I will not go into great detail on such a public forum, but we have been left without a line manager. So because I was away last week, Ross and Hanna were the only ones working who knew what they were doing. Maria started work in the midst of this, poor girl. Sheila has jumped in as well, but it's quite mad. Tonight is homegroup so I don't have very long at the library. I'd better go...

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