Thursday 7 June 2007


So, time for an update... The big news is that next time I write, I will most likely be in the USA. Unless something major happens and I feel the need to write about it. Unlikely, since I am in Verneuil, which, when you go to the old part of town "la vieille ville" as they call it, feels like a tiny village in the south of france where everyone knows about everyone. So not much of interest happens. Anyhow, I leave in a week exactly. I will be getting a coach to London, since it is, believe it or not, the most direct way to get to Heathrow from Paris without paying over £150 for Airfrance. And I fly Friday. Leaving at 14:00 and arriving at 16:40. Quick flight. I've been getting last bits and bobs done like getting a doctors check up (who knew it would be so complicated to fill in a form). So far it's taken me a trip to Dr Fougerousse to prescribe lab analyses, a trip to the lab to get blood samples and urine sample analysed (I'm healthy, but I could have told them that already) and now another trip to the doctors to look at the results and sign the form. Also I need to go into Paris to book the coach to London cause the site is stupid and won't take my perfectly-fine-but-British-so-not-good-enough debit card. And finally buy a watch and a couple of pairs of shorts. I'm going to Nathan's tonight (oh yeah... Nathan moved out and has a wee flat in Maisons-Laffitte where he's working as a youth pastor) for dinner which'll be lovely! And on Saturday amidst all my errands, I will also be seeing Beki, Nathan's girlfriend.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I have been away for so long that I did not even realise you were going to America... what u dong there? Vacation or to live?

I bet its a vacation!

Be cool and let a brother know.
Ebe out.


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