Two things about camp. First remark is that my feet have not been clean in 6 weeks. Even during a shower just after scrubbing them with soap. A sad reality I have come to accept.
Second I have to acknowledge the vast amount of stretching I have been through/am going through. It's crazy to think of the things I have done. I have been petrified on a weekly basis at least. I have soul responsibility for 7 animals, which means I am in charge of them not dying. I have failed once so far, not by my own fault though so I don't feel too bad. I was asked to give my testimony at staff church and accepted, so stood up in front of 50 people, most of whom I didn't know very well, I have lead camp songs at devotions, I have shared my faith (or snippets of it) on many occasions, I have had the scaryest conversation of my life and actually got words out of my mouth, gone on a lost camper search, slept in Harlem... you get the picture.

Hi there, you don't actually know me but here is a short explanation - I became friendly with Kimmy Ross (Cranford) when she came over to Scotland and joined her in the wonderful world of Xanga. Somehow I came to follow your page through hers.
Anyway, your picture of camp has Lindsay-May from my church (Kings Motherwell) and I just thought that was kinda amazing! I hope you are having a fantastic time at camp with the kids and making memories that will last a lifetime! Abundant blessings to you, Yvonne Smith. http://www.xanga.com/yims
Showers don't work as well as baths when it comes to feet.
It was your mother who wrote the previous message. She forgot to sign it.
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