On break (I was going to write the day but I actually have no clue what day it was) a whole load of us went to Maine. What's in Maine I hear you ask... well, not much... rumour has it moose populate the whole state but we saw none but signs warning us about them, and Camp Sebago which was the reason for my visit. It's a salvation army camp with a huge lake, whose staff usually come to us, but this year we went to them to play softball, football (as in soccer) and basket ball. High fives to the ladies basket ball team who WON!!! We also got to go swimming in their clear and giant lake (it was actually compared to a sea by Amanda - the lion in the picture below) which was lovely! We took 3 vans and a car over there to fit everyone in. It was good. Beautiful and not too hot, unlike Mass. right now. The best part of the day was actually the ride there though. So much fun. We played highway Frisbee which consisted of passing a CD from one van to the other while driving - highly dangerous, illegal and of course fun. What made it more fun was that the CD was one found in a Salvation Army van's CD player called Pantie Droppers. True story. We also drove by a van with two golf carts on its trailer that we decided to encircle, because we really wanted to bring our golf cart with us. So we did. We had Blue Falcon (my van driven by Marcus) on the left, Drew's car in front, Baby Beluga (Amanda's van) to the right and Spunky Red Robin (Ashley's van) behind the trailer. And that was it. We didn't do anything else to the driver and he probably had no idea what we were doing or why. But it was funny.
Before we left, we tried to steal the Camp Sebago camp sign but they caught us so we left it there.
None of the following photos have anything to do with any of the stories above, but I thought the site needed cheering up a little so here we go.

Tonight is our last Bible study. Sadness. Everything is our last this week. We had our last skit night last night. Bou. I'm glad in a way, but so sad this is almost over. I just don't want to get back to real life. As much as it bugs me sometimes I do kind of like being sheltered!
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