Monday 4 January 2010

The Exciting New Year of 2010.

My room is filled with words. I mean, there are words on my door, words on the walls, words in diaries and journals, words all over papers scattered on my desk. Words in the books on my bookshelf, words in my open Bible. Scanning swiftly around me, this is what I read: "In your heart you plan your course but the Lord determines your steps. Proverbs 16:9" "Perseverance in scripture Finish well It's about the last day" "For all things are possible with God. Luke 1:37" "I'm falling for you... please don't mess it up." "Expected fruit - humility Let nothing be done through selfish ambition or conceit, but in lowliness of mind let each esteem others better than himself. Let each of you look out not only for his own interests, but also for the interests of others. Philippians 2:3,4" "You shall not go out with haste... for the Lord will go before you and the Lord God of Israel will be your rear guard. ~Is. 52:12~" "Break" All these messages are around me in this January of 2010. The course I have planned for this year includes the following; reading the Bible in a year; climbing Arthur's Seat 52 times in 2010; read a book a month - that's 12 books (in their entirety!) this year. Events that are looking to adorn this year include seeing Stomp, the Index Weekend Away, visiting Tim in Newcastle to see Owl City, turning 25, going to see The Temper Trap and going on a missions trip to Romania. Things that I would like to get better at include photography and being tidy. I want my attitude to be pleasing to God, I want to do good, not to earn salvation or even God's favour - by faith, i already have these things. I want to do good because you reap what you sow. (Gal 6:9 and Rom 12:10). I want this year to be a year marked by prayer. I want to grow in holiness and in wisdom. I want my relationships to be marked by grace. I want to develop a quiet and gentle spirit. I want to be disciplined and diligent. My desire is to not waste my life. My desire is to live for the glory of God - to make his name big, famous, loved, glorious.

1 comment:

Emily said...

I want to be like you want to be! I'm thankful for a little more time to walk through this life together! I appreciate your honesty and your prayers!


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