So this exciting new year of 2010... well, so far, it has been just that! And full of joy.
The Index weekend away was a major highlight. It was a fantastic weekend, a challenge in many ways, stretching and though provoking in more than one way. But absolutely brilliant. This is a picture of most of the group. A few folk hadn't quite made it outside yet. A good bunch of top notch young people there though!!
Another highlight was crossing off something on my "Bucket list" (list of things to do before I kick the bucket - walk on a frozen body of water. In this case, it was a lake. The night before, we had walked over to it and thrown massive rocks onto it, which just bounced and stayed above the ice. Though the ice was melting under the jetty, it was a good few inches thick were it hadn't yet melted. So I went for it. I got told off for it afterwards because I went out by myself, but it was well worth it!
I'm a fan of sunrise walks, especially when they involve a few other people, stunning scenery and a gorgeous sunrise. And prayer and worship at the top of the hill overlooking amazing countryside. Just wonderful.
And starry nights. I have seen a fair few of these of late. They are always a reminder to me of God's amazing power, yet his deep love for me.
" Come see his hands and his feet
The scars that speak of sacrifice
Hands that flung stars into space
To cruel nails surrendered
This is our God, the Servant King
He calls us now to follow him
To bring our lives as daily offering
Of worship to the Servant King "
" Your arms are the arms that
Hung shining stars in deepest space
Your arms are the arms that
Surround me in a warm embrace "
This next picture represents all the amazing times with my friend Jeanne. It's such a strange friendship. She was in my class the first couple of years of primary school. She's a year younger than me, but our school had two classes in one for a few years. I knew her some then, but only really knew of her, because I knew she too was a Christian. She may have come to a birthday party of two of mine too. But after that, I never really stayed in contact with her. She arrived in Edinburgh in September or October of last year. And so we met up for coffee. And without knowing that much about one another, started talking about the most unexpected of topics, relationships and singleness. And really candidly and openly. At that time, we were both single. And she said something like "Just wait and see, this time next year, we'll both have met amazing guys and be taken." Something along those lines. Turns out, she was pretty spot on. Since that coffee in Beanscene, we've met up regularly to go on walks and take photos, to make french food, to chill and chat together, to seek wisdom from one another and it's generally just been fantastic to have her in town. She's preparing to go back to France and then to Nepal around the summer time, which is most exciting for her, and I will sorely miss her company!
These are just pictures to show my thankfulness for many things. Comfort and warmth amidst snow storms raging outside. I am thankful for the snow itself though. I love the snow. I also love the lovely cosy, warm house I live in and my slipper socks that keep my feet toasty.
And David and Kirsty got engaged. Which is a most joyful and exciting thing indeed. I don't know Kirsty all that well, but I've known David for just over 3 years (I think... he is better with time and remembering these sorts of things than I am) and I feel like I have always known him. I don't remember life not knowing David Nixon. And I have seen him grow, mature and change. And it is very exciting for me that he has found the woman he wants to love and call Mrs Nixon for the rest of his life. Congratulations guys, you're great and a fantastic example of what it means to "glorify God and edify each other".

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