Monday 6 December 2010

A few thoughts on purity

I recently read a book by Randy Alcorn called the Purity Principle.
The principle he talks of is basically this: purity is always smart; impurity is always stupid.

He continues with life changing argument after life changing argument and poignant story after poignant story. I have read a few books on the subject, but none like this. It is amazing. He lays it out as it is. Doesn't sugar coat a thing, but doesn't exaggerate either. Here are few quotes that made it into my journal - it's got to be a pretty good quote to make it there!

It's always easier to avoid temptation than to resist it. 

Arsenic has a cumulative effect. It kills you, but not all at once. Large quantities aren't necessary. A little here, a little there, and finally... you're dead. Sexual immorality is a killer of Christian lives and marriages. We poison ourselves daily, a little at a time. This novel that TV show, this movie, that magazine, this calendar, that glance, this flirtatious comment, that quiet assent to a dirty story. This arsenic of the soul poisons us gradually, so we don't feel much different than yesterday, but we've become very different than we were 5 years ago. 

Sow a thought, reap an action; sow an action, reap a habit; sow a habit, reap a character; sow a character, reap a destiny. 

Sexual sin blocks fellowship with God. (obvious one, but good to remember)

I can never get away with sexual immorality. God wants me to remember that for my sake. 

We need foresight to see where today's choices will leave us tomorrow. Sexual temptation is like a fish hook at the end of a line. It will pierce my tongue and rip my flesh. I'll be caught and reeled in. But the lure is so beautiful! Of course it is - how else would our enemy hook and destroy us? 

Purity is safe. Impurity is risky. Purity always helps us. Impurity always hurts us. Purity is always smart. Impurity is always stupid. I hope this is as good a reminder to you as it was and still is to me.

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