Saturday 18 June 2011

Streams of consciousness

9 days left in my little primary class. Well... 10 days left, but one of them I'm taking off for the NIXON WEDDING! I don't think I've ever been this excited for a wedding. I could hardly contain it when I was speaking to Kirsty on Sunday - I though I was going to burst with excitement and tears all in one. I had to calm down though because we were in the church entrance and I may have caused a bit of panic had I actually exploded. One exciting thing (though not nearly as exciting as the wedding itself) is that I plan to wear my one and only pair of heels for the second time. Risk of disaster: medium.

I asked for a book to review from NavPress, went for that one because it seemed the most interesting of all those offered (a limited selection of new books are offered for blog review). Only thing is this one's for married couples, making your marriage authentic or something like that. Well it turns out, it's a really good book and one that I am benefiting from as a single. I'll review it soon, I'm getting through it at some fast rate (by my standards anyway!!)

I have been in contact with one of my aunts who I don't think I've seen since my grandma's funeral 12 years ago. She makes amazing amazing cakes. And she's a granny herself - one of my cousins has a kid?! crazy that we're old enough. I suppose we're old enough; my brother's having a kid. Bit scary this whole life thing. Crazy exciting though.

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