Babies first, Jerome (my colleague who went back to France in April) had a wee girl last week. So excited! I don't know what they named her, but she looks quite like both him and her mum, Angela. And I knew he was going to have a girl - not great when wanting to start a rugby team. He could have a women's rugby team... So that's the first baby this year, another 3 expected in February and 2 in June... it gives me a chance to go to the baby section of H&M which is my favorite section. It's all so tiny and soft!

Baptisms next, Nadia and Laura got baptised on Sunday. Really great time. I cried! They were prophesied over and the accuracy was amazing. God is awesome!! Their non-christian flatmate, Heather was there with her boyfriend, Andrew and a couple of their friends too, along with Nadia's mum, step-dad, auntie, Laura's dad and grandparents. So good!
Before I go onto the final "B", I have a "C" and a "T" to mention. I got a contract for Camp Wonderland, I leave on the 15th June, starting camp the following day and ending on the 17th August. I now have to decide how long to stay on afterwards, since I need to give a date for the return flight. And the other quick thing is that I just had the best tutorial ever. Really interesting (on sustainable development and a booklet the UK government have published) and entertaining, as lots of us were participating in the debate, rather unusual, seeing as tutorials are generally boring and the tutor labours to get anyone to talk as no one does the work - but since it was an essay we had to hand in and people on this course are really interested in the topic, it was brilliant!
Banter in the Snow is for this coming weekend, though it is snowing right now. Index are all being transported close to Glenshee near the Cairngorms for the weekend. Should be fan-foogoo-tastic if it's anything like the weekly index meetings, and it's expected to snow, so we may need to take time off work on Monday if we get snowed in. I'll take plenty of notes as always and will tell you all about it!