Saturday 7 July 2007

Camp Wonderland, an update!

"Good afternoon camp wonderland, the happy summer place, would all staff and campers please go to the shell to sing camp songs!" This sort of announcement over the loud speakers are a regular occurence where I live this summer, though not this particular one thankfully since it's the lost camper drill. I hope to not hear it at all this summer. It is day 3 of session 2, a whole set of campers have already come and gone, I am well settled into my job and other duties on camp and most of the time am loving it. I have made some wonderful friends and been to some beautiful places, been blessed by many things people (especially campers) have done and said and have hopefully touched many lives already. My favorite day is Sunday because we get late breakfast at 9am, I get to go to staff church in the morning and then I am on dock duty at the waterfront all afternoon. This means I am not teaching nature. I have to say, it was not my favorite thing to study and it is not my favorite thing to teach. What is even less nice is that I have to teach ecology this week to two groups of kids. I'm finding that really tough because a couple are really interested, other don't really care either way but one of the kids is 10 and can hardly even read. Gah! So I've finally found a good activity (I hope) for them all tomorrow, but I've had them for 2 hours already andI really haven't taught them much. Right now in the nature lodge I am caring for 2 turtles, Trixie and Vindixie, a rat called Pedro, two chicks soon to become chickens called Frank and Frances and a frog (who was a tadpole when I arrived) called Fred. Most of the time I enjoy looking after the animals, more so than I expected in fact. The turtles more so than the others. I wish I could tell of all the things going on here and of all the people I've met, but here's just a few bites. Jen is the camp director. She is married to Drew, and has two girls, Riley, 6 and Sydney, nearly 3. They're all awesome. I have pictures, I'll put them up. My closest friends at camp are Zoe, who's my roommate, she's a lifeguard from Oz, Emma is from Essex, she's the ropes director. Shaina is from right here in Sharon, MA, and is the most hospitable person I've met. She's only 20 but has maturity beyond her years. I like to make fun of her saying things like "I'm drying my pants right now" She means trousers. Lindsey is also only 20 and acts older than she is. She's a nurse. She's lovely. Brad is from the USA, he is the younger boys unit leader. Very dramatic but not in the way Arpita is. He's cool! Marcus is the rec(reation) director. He just got married to Louise. He makes me laugh so much! They actually got married at the Luau we had in orientation. He's from the USA, she's from South Africa so they had 2 weddings. One in April over there, and then the Luau here. So much fun! Ben is one of the Jaguars counsellors, he's from Belfast, and is a friend of my friend Alan's from Carrubbers. Weird coincidence!!!! There are many others. You will hear about them. There are a few pictures on facebook, and more to come. I will also put videos somewhere (probably youtube) when I get to a better computer than the ones we have here. That may be a while. Oh and final piece of news for those who read this and don't yet know, Nathan and Beki got engaged on the 3d July. Woot! Congrats guys!

1 comment:

Beki said...

Ooh you're getting american already with your spelling of favourite!!! Lol indeed twas a very good birthday!!

Look forward to telling you all about it and all our plans and stuff when you're back in a country where we can call you!!!!

Much love


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