Monday 16 July 2007

Days seem like weeks but weeks seem like minutes

I've been at camp a month today. My friend Katie left this morning. Living with her kids 22 hours per day was too much. It's so sad but God's got it. I'm so happy that my CU jumper did some good. It says "I don't know what the future holds but I know who holds my future". She told me the other night that she just kept thinking of that and it's reassured her. She's getting a bus to the unknown. Camp won't be the same without her. She always has crazy stories, like when she went to a conference once and a woman was actually giving birth to the spirit. Hilarious!! This week is gospel arts. Most people hate it, but I'm loving it. I'm not in my nature lodge all day. Instead, I get to assist a singing class, assist a drama class and teach nature art, but we get to do really cool things. The only thing I've learned with the nature art is that the kids finish things a lot faster than you think they would. But the diversity and stuff I'm absolutely loving. Yesterday, Sunday was a really long day, but it was good. On Sundays I stand dock duty at the waterfront all afternoon while the counsellors get to go in the water with the kids. I love being at the waterfront. I'd love to be a lifeguard. You get a good tan though. There's plenty more to say I'm sure, but I have to go to assist drama. Brad (who teaches it) has made me Satan in the play. Nice!!!

1 comment:

Beki said...

Giving birth to the spirit????


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